
purchase fleet vehicles

Purchase public fleet vehicles without the long wait times

For professionals working in public organizations, the fleet procurement process involves a great..
procurement strategies in supply chain management

4 public procurement strategies in supply chain management

Today’s public procurement managers battle uncertain supply chains in a never-ending effort to..
procurement process steps

Expediting public procurement process steps for fleet vehicles

The procurement timeline for certified public fleet professionals (CPFP) is continuously evolving,..
cooperative purchasing agreement

Faster fleet procurement with a cooperative purchasing agreement

The traditional RFP is no longer enough to support the demands of public fleet procurement..
steps in public procurement process

Fleet vehicles: Expediting steps in public procurement process

The traditional fleet procurement process is a lengthy ordeal for newcomers and veterans alike...
cooperative purchasing agreements

Cooperative purchasing agreements: Essentials of expedited procurement

The RFP has made a name for itself as a slow, frustrating, and convoluted aspect of public..
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 fleet of vehicles

6 tips to expedite procuring a fleet of public vehicles

Acquiring public fleet vehicles is one of the most time-consuming tasks for the modern CPO...
steps in procurement process

5 steps in the procurement process of public fleet vehicles

Fleet managers working for public agencies contend with one of the most complex procurement..
government fleet procurement process

How to expedite a government fleet procurement process

Order-to-delivery (OTD) dates for fleet purchasers are only getting longer. Some vehicles maintain ..
fleet purchasing

How to make public fleet purchasing a faster process

Fleet purchasing has never been a particularly speedy process, but with inflated lead times and..
public fleet vehicles

Public fleet vehicles: A simpler way to purchase

The procurement of public fleet vehicles is more time consuming than ever. According to recent..
buy fleet vehicles

How to buy public fleet vehicles without the headaches

If you’ve worked in the fleet procurement industry for any amount of time, you know just how..