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telematics devices

How government entities solve fleet challenges with telematics devices

Managing a fleet of vehicles cost-efficiently, adhering to a budget, and providing the services..
fleet telematics

Fleet telematics: An essential management tool for government fleets

Fleet leaders at all levels of government are saving time and money by using connected..
fleet tracking software

Gain business intelligence for cities with fleet tracking software

The creation of a “smart city” empowered by business intelligence has become vastly more accessible..
ev fleets

Ways for governments to effectively manage your EV fleets

A 2021 Executive Order requires most federal vehicle procurement to be zero-emission vehicles by..
procurement bidding process

10 insights to optimize the fleet procurement bidding process

Whether you’re a brand-new procurement specialist or a seasoned industry veteran, you know how time..
fleet procurement

6 tips for more efficient fleet procurement

Public fleet managers face mounting challenges in maintaining an efficient procurement process...
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how to buy fleet vehicles

How to buy fleet vehicles without the bidding war wait time

The bidding process for the average public RFP takes fifty-seven days to complete, and most of that..
supply chain tactics for fleet procurement

Supply chain and procurement tactics for fleet vehicles

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to the modern fleet procurement manager is the supply chain itself. In..
supply chain procurement process

How to improve the fleet supply chain procurement process

No industry feels the effects of supply chain disruption more than fleet procurement. In 2022, over
fleet vehicle purchasing trends

5 fleet vehicle purchasing trends to take advantage of

Annual government fleet sales rose 12.8% in December 2022, a telling nod to the changing pace of..
purchase fleet vehicles

Purchase public fleet vehicles without the long wait times

For professionals working in public organizations, the fleet procurement process involves a great..
procurement strategies in supply chain management

4 public procurement strategies in supply chain management

Today’s public procurement managers battle uncertain supply chains in a never-ending effort to..