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supplier relationship management

What is supplier relationship management (SRM) for procurement?

A closer relationship between procurement teams and suppliers can provide significant benefits and..
fleet utilization metrics

8 fleet utilization metrics to spot inefficiencies and compare EV benefits

Fleet utilization metrics do more than just monitor performance. They act as benchmarks to spot..
ev fleet management

EV fleet management for emissions-free future for government agencies

The emissions-free future is becoming a reality for millions of North Americans. Approximately 51%..
fleet asset utilization

How to maximize fleet asset utilization with the procurement of EVs

Tracking fleet asset utilization helps optimize fleet usage and maximize operational efficiency..
fleet procurement strategies

5 fleet procurement strategies to comply with sustainability goals

Unsustainable fleet procurement has become a major obstacle in the fight for net zero...
municipal fleet management

Municipal fleet management to expedite electric vehicle procurement

The electrification of government transit requires both flexibility and speed. Unfortunately,..
New call-to-action
electric fleet vehicles

How electric fleet vehicles fit into your future municipality strategy

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more practical for public fleets due to having longer ranges..
EV growth

Electric vehicle growth: Time to charge up for government fleets

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) continue to grow but at a slower pace than in recent years...
procuring electric vehicles

5 steps for procuring electric vehicles in your municipality

The procurement process begins long before the actual buying. With aggressive targets for reducing..
net zero initiative

Net zero initiative: Government fleet managers' guide to net zero

Achieving net zero in fleets means you have created a balance between any greenhouse gases that you..
electrifying fleets

3 ways electrifying fleets will decrease emissions in cities and states

Electrified fleets could quadruple the efforts of electrification throughout the present decade...
sustainable transportation

Sustainable transportation for energy-efficient government fleet vehicles

Sustainable transportation is no longer a buzzword—it’s the future of government fleets. Thousands..