
Fleet vehicles: Expediting steps in public procurement process

Written by Sourcewell | Apr 11, 2023 1:00:00 PM

The traditional fleet procurement process is a lengthy ordeal for newcomers and veterans alike. Average order-to-delivery (OTD) timelines span months even in the best-case scenario.

Part of this extended timeline issue is directly correlated to conventional RFPs. The traditional steps in public procurement process building are antiquated at best, meaning there is little room to expedite the process and achieve faster OTD.

That said, getting around the pitfalls of slow OTD is possible with the right set of tools.

The traditional five steps in public procurement process building

The conventional steps in public procurement process building are time consuming and complex. Today, most fleet procurement processes follow a five-step approach:

  1. Planning and strategy development
  2. Pre-bid proposal meetings
  3. Bid/proposal evaluation
  4. Contract negotiations
  5. Contract signing

This process may take weeks to complete, potentially longer for small nonprofits. However, there is hope for organizations looking for a better way, and it starts with cooperative contracts.

The expedited three steps in public procurement process building

The advent of new technology has opened the door to advances in fleet procurement processing. If organizations are willing to try new solutions and embrace a unique workflow, they can shave down their timelines and optimize delivery without the requirements of times gone by.

Here are the three steps involved in expedited fleet procurement.

1. Select a cooperative contract of your choosing

Cooperative contracts are competitively solicited, pre-priced agreements with national suppliers. This significantly reduces the amount of time and effort necessary to secure a fleet vehicle contract, among other things.

You can search for a cooperative contract through Sourcewell using three points of information:

  • Category
  • Supplier
  • Keyword

Once you find the right contract, you're ready to move to the next stage.

2. Connect with an industry specialist to walk you through the process

Cooperative contracts lessen the burden of doing everything on your own. Once you've located a compatible contract and are ready to learn more, you can contact the supplier to smooth out any details.

Sourcewell can provide you with highly trained industry specialists who are dedicated to your success. Any questions that you may have will be answered as quickly as possible, helping you make the most informed decision for your agency.

3. Sign the purchase order

You’ve checked out the cooperative contract and are internally aligned with your stakeholders. Now you can complete the procurement process by signing on the dotted line. It's that fast!

But although cooperative contracts are a major source of speed for fleet managers, these unique purchasing agreements can save more than just time:

  • Money: The collective buying power of cooperative contracts can reduce the cost of your purchase.
  • Complications: There's no need to learn how to write an RFP, since cooperative contracts are written and publicly advertised on your behalf.
  • Headaches: Cooperative contracts are competitively solicited on behalf of many entities, making them simple and easy to use.

Sourcewell can help you take advantage of all these benefits and more.

Where to get started with cooperative contracts

Saved time is saved money for public fleet managers, and that’s exactly what Sourcewell was designed to help with. As a government agency with decades of experience, it provides support with newer, sleeker, and faster operational solutions. Here's just a glimpse of what is offered:

  • Sourcewell serves state and local governments, higher education, and K-12 schools. If you are within the United States, it can expedite the steps of your public procurement process.
  • The Sourcewell team believes that accessible information leads to a brighter future for everyone. Many educational resources are available to help you quickly get started with cooperative contracts.
  • Sourcewell offers nearly forty-five years of experience, hundreds of cooperative contracts, and tireless support for organizations across America. There is no cost involved in working with the organization and no obligation to use its services.

Registration with Sourcewell is fast, simple, and free.

Here at Sourcewell, we help public agency buyers procure fleet vehicles faster by fulfilling the time-consuming bid process for them. Through cooperative contracts, we expedite the fleet vehicle procurement process so you can better serve your teams.

Want a faster procurement process? Contact one of our specialists today to buy the fleet solutions you need!